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MyMD Connect is committed to providing employers with affordable, self-funded health insurance plans. We offer a variety of minimal essential coverage (MEC) and major medical health plans specifically designed for your needs. We integrate concierge medicine with employer medical plans.

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Virtual Medical Home

Virtual services take concierge medicine anywhere your participants may be. MyMD Connect works with a large and technologically convenient system of medical specialist for virtual consults and is able to extend those benefits of improved access of care at no cost to the health plan or the health plan participant.


Complete Medical Home

Complete Medical Home brings tangible and perceived value to your health plan. MyMD Connect places an expert Concierge doctor at the hub of your self-funded health plan to tend to the needs of your plan participants. Concierge medicine protects your employees and the health plan from needless frustration and financial harm.

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DPC "MEC" Plans

We offer ACA compliant, self-funded minimum essential coverage (MEC) health insurance plans. These plans are an affordable options to employers, fully equipped with preventive care, no limitations, and generic prescriptions. For more details click "Learn More". 

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DPC Major Medical Plans

Call for more details.

"For every $100,000 that an employer pays one of the MyMD Connect doctors, they can expect to save $250,000"

- Dr. Jeremy Smith

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